Certified Instructed- Pilates Mat Classes

Pilates is considered a Mind Body Exercise that focuses on 5 key foundational elements:
I (Ashley Marcum) have had the pleasure of dancing and working with a thousand+ of students over the past 20 years. However, maybe dance isn't your thing and you still want to improve your strength and overall wellness through the five concepts above. THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU! I promise we will have fun as we gently move through our bodies and find a healthier you. Prioritize some time for yourself in this and find some amazing benefits as your body loosens up and becomes stronger! Do not worry about the IFS (if your flexible or strong enough) the wonderful thing about Pilates is there are many ways to modify each movement and vary them to cater to the level of challenge or ease you need.
Please email aflowinggrace@gmail.com for any questions or to let me know you're interested! I can't wait to meet more of you and help you work out some of the "kinks" in your body that may be slowing you down or hindering your every day life.
What will you need?! Just some comfy stretchable clothes, some water and BRING YOUR OWN MAT! We may work with a few props in later sessions; that will be discussed in class according to majority class want and need.
Class cards can be purchased 5 for $100
*Note a class card is good for any of the Pilates classes
*You can sign up and purchase class card at your first class
*Class cards do not expire
I hope to see you soon!!
*CLASS TIMES THURSDAY 6:15pm and/or SATURDAY 10:30am
(teen-adult welcome, both classes will last 45-50min)
Classes located in Oxford Community Arts Center, lowest level beneath Ball Room